Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Sweet Tooth Tart and Muffin Fix

So on Friday, I had the ladies over. I made this.

This is the Classic Berry Tart from TWD's Tuesday Challenge. For the recipe, please visit Ms. Cristine's site. My filling is chocolate pudding, since I had to sub it in because my pastry cream did not set! I still topped it off with "fresh" berries from Wally World. It tasted great! I mean I could eat the tart shell on its own. Dorie's Sweet Tart Dough recipe is "Crack". I am so addicted to it. I could eat the whole tart by myself. I could eat the shell without any filling. To, me it is that good. I love it! Gotta have it! Need to give it away. There is still plenty left in my fridge and it is calling my name! I am happy because I am slowly but surely getting much better at making tart shells, in my humble opinion.

I also made these.

The Cinnamon Donut Muffins with raspberry filling that I can not get enough of since being introduced to the recipe! Another addiction of mine. I need help. Seriously. 

Now, I think I hear the treadmill calling me. 

Posted via email from gabesbabymomma's posterous

1 comment:

Dragana said...

I love the muffins because you were very generous with the raspberry filling - yum! The tart was tasty too. But the best part was holding Miss Lilah while she slept in my arms :)